About us
Chinese Phoenix Arts is a non-profit organization promoting
traditional Chinese culture via dance, music, arts and crafts.
We offer quality performances in traditional Chinese dance, costume shows
and martial arts for corporate, cultural, and school events in the Carolinas.
We also provide workshops in dance and martial arts.
凤凰艺术团(Chinese Phoenix Arts)于1997成立于北卡夏洛特,是夏洛特最早的传播中国文化的艺术团体。在这24年中,凤凰艺术团积极的活跃于各大社区中,旨为通过音乐、舞蹈、太极等多样性的中国艺术表演形式来传播中国文化。
凤凰艺术团的表演深受当地及周边地区的喜爱,历年的重大节日与活动都能看到凤凰艺术团的身影。包括夏洛特华美春晚,Food Lion Event, UNCC & CPCC国际节, 夏洛特龙舟节,美国银行文化博览会等等。
凤凰艺术团更是积极参与各种比赛,舞蹈《溜溜的康定》曾于2012年参加全球华人中华才艺舞蹈大赛并进入决赛,取得大赛十佳表演奖的优异成绩。我们的执教老师都是毕业于专业院校,为方便更多的舞蹈爱好者学习舞蹈,凤凰艺术团位于Ballantyne area 租用了专业的舞厅。
作为凤凰的艺术指导李妍老师,她不仅舞技高超,又有创作激情,原创群舞《梦中的额吉》,《傲雪》,《风筝误》,《洛水佼人》以及《年轮》为大家留下了深刻的印象。团长Nancy Zhang 也带领姐妹们呈现了扇舞《春江花月夜》,古典舞《红颜旧》和新疆舞《巴郎仔》。
自2020年初开始受疫情影响舞蹈课改由面授课为网络教学,经过克服各种困难形成了一套非常好的线上教学模式,开放了更多学习舞蹈的途径,在金牛之年李妍老师创作了《相思》, 众姐妹们万众一心,春晚献上了舞蹈《相思》好评如潮。在2021年的南北卡中秋节将呈现旗袍舞 《胭脂情》。
"The Chinese Phoenix Arts were a wonderful enhancement to our annual Children’s Day Celebration at Charlotte Mecklenburg Library. Not only were the dances and costumes breathtaking, but the Martial Arts demonstrations also captured the attention of audiences of all ages. Their versatility and professionalism made working with them a breeze. They offer a wide range of activities that promote Chinese culture, which is great for any type of program. We will definitely reach out to them for other events."